Executing your Sustainability Strategy
Stratex Solutions
Our Value
Strategy is about imagining and creating the world we want to live in, including a more sustainable, more equitable, more resource efficient and cleaner growth world. We want it to be better, however we define that improvement. Good strategies are wonderful, opening up vistas of meaningful goals and successful work. But too often, they remain in the realm of imagination because executing against them takes another effort as great as developing the strategy itself. Strategy Execution is a discipline in itself, an ongoing focus that runs parallel to operational efforts and needs to be resourced appropriately. We support our clients in ensuring that their strategy execution is as successful as their strategy development.
Our Services
We help you
Test the assumptions underlying your strategy in the groups responsible for strategy execution
Translate high-level strategic goals into action items for each applicable part of the enterprise
Ensure that the resourcing is adequate for achieving the strategic goals
Communicate the goals to all the groups involved
Implement key performances indicators and timelines for monitoring the strategy execution
Our Impact
These days, we are perennially short of time. The need to have everything happen as soon as possible and the fact that most companies and organizations are running lean means that our timelines for achieving massive goals is bordering on unrealistic. That makes the need for robust strategy execution all the more important. The more the strategy remains a matter of high-level, visionary goals, the shorter the time available to pivot to a future we would like to create. We help you translate your strategy into measurable, achievable goals that can come to fruition.
We are consultants because we enjoy working with clients, we love solving problems and we still believe in continuous improvement toward achieving the sustainability goals that companies and teams set for themselves. We bring a great deal of experience to the art of translating strategy into actually achievable goals and to improving the resource allocation system so that resources flow to areas of greatest impact.
We bring decades of experience in clean-tech, high-tech and financial institutions to bear on your problems. We have deep knowledge of tools and methodologies ranging from net-zero strategy development and science-based targets to the balanced scorecard, corporate performance management, beyond budgeting and other process improvement methods.
Our Team
Karen Schroeder
Founder and Managing Partner
Since finishing her doctorate, Karen has had more than a decade of renewable energy strategy and implementation consulting experience. She has worked with startups, medium-sized enterprise and large companies on a wide range of strategy formulation and execution issues, assisting them in determining the right indicators to use for improved management and monitoring, rapidly assessing strategic potential of new developments and ensuring that resources can be made available off-cycle to capture new opportunities and achieve better outcomes. She has developed conceptual frameworks for strategy-driven resource allocation mechanisms, planned and supported implementation of the methodology within business units and designed reporting and evaluation systems for senior management. She has worked both with the Clean Tech Open startups as a lead mentor to help them grow and with larger companies trying to execute on net-zero strategies.